Many civilization have gone through millenial, "creating" Gods and great cultures that own fantastic and incredible stories, thinking always that everything here is cyclical. We all were born, live and will die ... but that doesn´t happen to Gods and Heroes who were selected to ascend what we call the heavenly land. The heavenly land is the home of every Gods in whom human have always believed and also of worthy heroes who got their ascension due to all their achievements in the land of mortals. With the passing of the millennia the heavenly land has been divided into several sides, there are now three main factions who stand out: Greek Gods, Norse Valhalla and Egyptians Ascended, each one has their own characteristic: The Greeks represent Grace, the Nordics represent the Force and the Egyptians represent wisdom. Due to the constant conflicts between the three factions about who would be the best to lead the heavenly land, they decided to make a tournament where each faction must selected a general and a group of their best warriors wether past, present or future. All of them could use divine weapons, only if they showed they were worthy enough. To finish the discussion each leader of faction: Zeus, Odin and Ra, should choose the hero who would represent their faction. Zeus chose Atreus, Odín chose Magnus and finally Ra chose Ishaq, from there each faction must get their arms and equip their army to obtain the victory. So here you are, you have been selected in the greatest celestial war in history against that strongest and most tenacious warriors. Are you going to miss the chance of glory?
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