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About Metapixel music: We have 4 exclusive that were composed for this Project, we have a song for each heroe and a special song for all the collection. Metapixel music was inspired in many diferent antique cultures, we use as base of the songs themes of video games, series or movies. Greece.- In case of Atreus music it was made following the OST of Assasins Creed Odyssey because this game is base on the ancient Greece and it was difficult to find music information of that culture. Nordic.- For our nordic music we used the Viking’s soundtrack as base, also we researched about nordic music, that’s why the theme is composed of a very low song like the Vikings used to do before the battle. Egypt.- Different to the other couple of songs this is not based on any movie or video game, we just made our research of egyptian music and we made it from 0, we use a dulcimere, a cello and congas.