PHASE 0 Configuration of social networks Writing MP's history Influencer attraction First contact with different secondary markets Creation of customized music for the different mythologies

PHASE 1 Creation of attributes based on mythologies. Landing Page Creation of content for social networks Create rarity chart Strategic partnerships Sneak Peak of Legendary with music and animation.

PHASE 2 Launch of the 3,333 Pixels collection. Get listed on secondary markets Grape verification for the first phase of Dao Awards for the most active members of the community

PHASE 3 Release of rarity ranks Develop a private DAO for MetaPixels holders Implementation of a buy and sell bot. Implement a royalties split for our holders. Alpha access to holders who own one of ten minted gods through our website.

PHASE 4 Pixels in the metaverse: We will focus on an airdrop to the holders with an exclusive collection oriented on metaverse. Launch of the $PIXL token with future utilities discussed by DAO Road Map 2.0

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